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Korean Skincare For A Dry Office

January 13, 2021

Korean Skincare For A Dry Office

Korean Skincare For A Dry Office

Episode Description:

If #officelife is draining you in more ways than one, then stick around because today I’m sharing my top tips for combatting dry office skin.

Episode Summary:

Dry Skin Life

If you work in an office you’ll be familiar with a common problem – constant AC in summer and heating in winter that can really suck the life out of your skin. It’s on blast non-stop from 9 – 5 and often centrally controlled, meaning you can’t turn it off or adjust the temperature even if you wanted to!

Why Artificial Heating Is Bad For The Skin

Sitting in an air-conditioned room all day dries skin out due to a combination of the hot/cold air from the AC unit, as well as the wind stream blowing. The closer you sit to the vent, the worse your skin is likely to suffer.

If you’re also afflicted by dryness, itchiness and skin damage, this will likely only make them worse, as it puts the skin’s natural moisture balance out of sync.

The net result is dry, tight and even flaky skin which is easily prone to becoming red.

How To Combat Dry Office Air

The good news is that unlike other things you hate in the office, when it comes to the air con, you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are a few preventative measures you can take to combat dull, dry, lacklustre office skin.

1 Layer up with an occlusive

First, to counteract the air, take a leaf out of Korean beauty’s book and apply your skincare in layers, finishing off with an occlusive barrier to seal in the hydration. For dry skin types, a thick facial oil in a thin layer underneath your sunscreen will also help skin from drying out. Try Jelly Ko Bubble Tea Steam Cream.

2 Make sure none of your skincare products are making the problem worse

If any of your products are a bad fit for your skin type, giving you reactions and the like, they are bound to exacerbate any symptoms of dryness (and worse). If you suspect one of your skincare products is contributing to your skin problems but you aren’t sure which one is the culprit, go back to basics and patch test each and every one of them to eliminate any that don’t play nicely with your skin.

Once you switch out any incompatible products, return to focusing on layering the ones that do work well for you – this will ensure your face is filled with the maximum hydration to battle the office air-con all day.

3 Mist away

Mists aren’t just fancy spray cans filled with water – they actually add moisture back into the skin. They also attract hydration to it, meaning you stay hydrated for longer.

Keep a bottle of misting spray close to your desk and spritz lightly as needed throughout the day.

My favourite is d’Alba Piedmont White Truffle Spray Serum.

Skincare for a dry office

4 Hit it with a humidifier

You won’t walk into an office in Seoul that doesn’t have a humidifer going in every room. There’s a good reason why – the air is extra dry, which wreaks havoc on skin, especially in winter.

Humidifiers are one of the secret weapons behind Korean women’s dewy skin. The steam is not only comforting, it also keeps moisture in the air, which prevents it from escaping your skin and eyes.

5 Drop away

Dry eyes go hand in hand with dry air and sitting in front of an office computer screen all day only makes it worse.

If you find your eyes itchy, sore and dry, try applying eye drops and taking a break from your screen every so often to give your eyes a rest. Alternating between looking at documents on and off screen every now and then can also help.

6 Take the air

Even though it’s tempting to stay holed up in your office all day, especially in winter, taking a few breaks to get outside into the fresh air can really help. Skin responds well to fresh air, and will often feel better and less tight after a quick outing.

7 Stay hydrated on the inside

While drinking water won’t cure dryness, it will help to alleviate some of the symptoms of perpetual dryness. 8 glasses of water a day is the recommended intake. If you struggle to get all the water you need, try placing a pitcher on your desk and make it a goal to drink it by the end of the day, or jazz it up with some lemon or lime.

The Best Korean Beauty Ingredients For Dry Office Skin

Korean Beauty products are heavy duty when it comes to dry skin and it’s because they have to be. If your skin has been left looking dull, lifeless and flaking, opt for ceramides and hyaluronic acid.


Ceramides replenish natural lipids that are lost due to exposure to harsh environmental factors, the use of drying products, and during the ageing process. They restore moisture, fortify the skin’s natural barrier and help protect it against harm from foreign elements.

Some K-Beauty products with ceramides to try include

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is a humectant (a water-binding ingredient) that retains over 1000 times its weight in water within the cells of skin. This makes it an excellent moisturiser.

It also has the ability to remove waste matter from cells including those where there is little blood circulation. As hyaluronic acid attracts water, it’s best to use it in tandem with a humidifier to really get skin glowing.

Some K-favourites with hyaluronic acid?

What To Do If You Liked Today’s Episode – Skincare For A Dry Office Ep-36

  • Let me know if you have any other tips to combat dry office skin on Instagram!
  • For more skincare advice and to meet a community of like minded K-Beauty lovers, join our Facebook group – K-Beauty Down Under

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"If you work in an office you’ll be familiar with a common problem – constant AC in summer and heating in winter that can really suck the life out of your skin."

- Lauren Lee, Host of the Korean Beauty Show podcast

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